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Controlling Knowledge: Religion, Power and Schooling in a West African Muslim Society - de Louis Brenner (Author)

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Le Titre Du FichierControlling Knowledge: Religion, Power and Schooling in a West African Muslim Society
Date de publication2001-03-22
TraducteurMounira Ravleen
Nombre de Pages460 Pages
Taille du fichier60.26 MB
LangageAnglais & Français
ÉditeurProgress Publishers
Format de DonnéesEPub PDF AMZ ANS NEIS
CréateurLouis Brenner
Nom de FichierControlling-Knowledge-Religion-Power-and-Schooling-in-a-West-African-Muslim-Society.pdf

Télécharger Controlling Knowledge: Religion, Power and Schooling in a West African Muslim Society Livre PDF Gratuit

Controlling knowledge religion power and schooling in a West African muslim society Louis Brenner 2000

Résumé eng International relations have influenced the construction of early African school systems from the establishment of the first Islamic and later on Christian schools to the impetus given to the development of education during the colonial period

Contemporary ajami writing in West Africa exemplified through Wolofal In Kasper Juffermans Yonas Mesfun Asfaha and Ashraf Abdulhay eds African literacies Ideologies scripts education


Hitti 1955 and Hodges Whitehouse 1983 have described the rise of Islam in the Middle East and its effect on the rest of the known ancient world The Muslims replaced the Sasanid power all over the Middle East by 700 AD when the Umayad Caliphs took power At this time Muslim forces in crusade were advancing through North Africa and Asia

Ce qui suit est une liste dorganisations américaines classées comme groupes haineux par le Southern Poverty Law Center Le SPLC définit les groupes haineux comme étant ceux qui « ont des croyances ou des pratiques qui attaquent ou calomnient toute une classe de personnes généralement pour leurs caractéristiques immuables » Cette liste fait lobjet de nombreuses controverses

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